Labels:text | screenshot | menu OCR: Québec in images Québec in images features 100 photos represen- TECHNICAL INFORMATION tative of Québec's numerous tourist attractions. To view photos on this CD, you need to have an These photos are digitized in standard resolution image viewer or image editor (250 DPI) and will help meet the needs of tourism Use: PowerPoint and printing professionals (tour operators, specialized journal- Standard digitization (250 DPI) ists, conference organizers, etc.). They are to be used exclusively to promote Québec tourism and 18 Meg per image, JPG compression not for commercial purposes, and must always be RGB images accompanied by their source (name of photogra- Enlargements for printing up to 5" x 7" pher/Tourisme Québec). Mac/PC (Windows) VISIT OUR WEB SITE AT THE FOLLOWING ADDRESS: www.bonjourqu ...